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Topic: Re: City of Immortals — Page 3
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D= facefall wtf :) :( :P

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Feb 26, 2022 12:23 AM
Punky pink is what I call it lol
Feb 13, 2022 3:50 AM
I like Misty's hair
Jul 31, 2019 5:16 PM
My bet is on "Mistys father caused an accident that put an other in a DPU, and the family broke up because of that".

Kali's highly concerned for her daughters life, and the (then) new rules may sooner or later get someone...


Looks like Misty'll dodge [i]that[/i] bullet.
Jul 31, 2019 12:31 PM
I'm going to respond to this page on the website this time [b]just because I can![/b]

I think this is the first time Misty's father is ever brought up in dialogue, and wow what a situation to bring it up in. Whenever there's a single parent in any piece of media, subconsciously I think most of the audience goes "Alright, so what happened to the other one, when is that going to be acknowledged?" After so long of getting to know Misty and Kali two [s]years[/s] cycles after this event, suddenly hearing about Misty's father gets the audience to perk their heads just as Misty does in that last panel (though each for very different reasons). Awesome stuff.