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Topic: Re: City of Immortals — Page 27
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D= facefall wtf :) :( :P

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Apr 4, 2020 4:34 PM
[quote=50][quote=1]She could use some warm hugs! she just has to get used to the idea of getting them first XD[/quote]

Or perhaps even giving them out one day! I believe she can do it! :D

~ Draegon[/quote]

We need a crowd running from everywhere to give a warm hug to Misty ^_^"
Apr 2, 2020 3:27 PM
[quote=1]She could use some warm hugs! she just has to get used to the idea of getting them first XD[/quote]

Or perhaps even giving them out one day! I believe she can do it! :D

~ Draegon

PS: dunno if you remember but I commented on the webtoons version as well, would it be a problem if it copied that comment onto the main site too?
Apr 2, 2020 2:29 PM
She could use some warm hugs! she just has to get used to the idea of getting them first XD
Apr 2, 2020 12:34 AM
Well ; classic behaviour : i smash you , all is fine . You smash me , how dare you to be dangerous . I'm now afraid Misty and Star meets some of them in the next strip ....... About Misty coldness , i can give a warm hug to her ^_^"