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Topic: Re: City of Immortals — Page 25
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D= facefall wtf :) :( :P

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Mar 4, 2020 8:39 PM
[quote=1][quote=126]Why do I have a feeling that some accident will happen and Starlight will use her power to heal someone and this will get her on the radar of the Hybridor in the city.[/quote]

That would make the news most likely! But I got something more GRAND in mind...[/quote]

Oh boy, please make sure our dear Starlight will be okay, I don't want to see her suffer.... QwQ

Mar 4, 2020 7:13 PM
At least the sci-fi city didn't fall apart! Looks pretty great tbh! :)
Mar 4, 2020 4:15 PM
[quote=130]Awww X_X ............ Seems that we've missed the "hug" moment in the first panel[/quote]

It wouldn't have been a hug moreso than Star just squishing herself up awkwardly into Misty's side XD
Mar 4, 2020 4:14 PM
[quote=126]Why do I have a feeling that some accident will happen and Starlight will use her power to heal someone and this will get her on the radar of the Hybridor in the city.[/quote]

That would make the news most likely! But I got something more GRAND in mind...
Mar 4, 2020 1:23 PM
Awww X_X ............ Seems that we've missed the "hug" moment in the first panel