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D= facefall wtf :) :( :P

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Jan 30, 2019 11:13 PM
Life works in mysterious ways. You never know what sort of people it'll have you meet who actually stick around =) Thanks for being one of those people Adreos. I appreciate the work you do, fellow creator!
Jan 30, 2019 7:42 PM
So a lot of you may have met me over time, I've been around online for a long time. If you are a minor odds are I've been on the online before you were born.

I've known Ulta for a very long time. Very, very long and honestly neither of us can remember where it started. But she's been a good friend and we have even met in person before. Been a fan of her creations since the beginning and its been nice to see all her "practice" pay off with the Hybridor comic, though the original Mobian versions of her characters will always hold a special place for me.

I am a creator. I make things. From websites, to levels, to games, to pictures, to models, it just never seems to stop. I have this unsatisfiable need to create it seems. Always have something to make, some problem to solve.

As several of you know I am the creator of this website. (The DragonBoards thing you see on the bottom, yeah that's my forum system) Hand coded from scratch, which is how I like to make things. Ever since Ulta posted [url=https://www.deviantart.com/ulta/journal/Aw-come-on-Why-551025217]this journal[/url] on her deviantART page I've thought about how I could make a website for Hybridor, as this is the first time I've been present since the start of a webcomic.