Topic: Re: Why... Hello there.
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Boy you'd get alone swimmingly with someone from the comic (who we have yet to meet, but you'd know him when you see him lol).
Nice to meet you! Glad to have you here from wherever you came =)
Jan 30, 2019 1:31 PM
Boy you'd get alone swimmingly with someone from the comic (who we have yet to meet, but you'd know him when you see him lol).
Nice to meet you! Glad to have you here from wherever you came =)
Jan 29, 2019 4:31 AM
Dr. Cynic
Hello! My name is Doctor Cynic. Mad Scientist, self-proclaimed doctor, and adventurer extraordinaire! I do hope we get along smashingly, and if not... well, I have a few procedures that could possibly help [i]alleviate[/i] you if this pressing issue.
He he he haaah.